Author Topic: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!  (Read 9255 times)

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Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:19:42 PM »

Jokers Wild Alleycat by MatthewBK, on Flickr

With rave reviews of our first alleycat last season, we decided to get another one of these going.

Alright. Official Details.

1. The Alleycat WILL START Friday 8/27 (thats THIS Friday) at 6:30 PM SHARP at the Memorial Union (look for our bikes). Since an Alleycat is based on completing a set number of tasks within a time limit, we WILL be allowing late starts for a time. But you will be at a SERIOUS disadvantage.

We recommend showing up around 6:10-6:15 to register etc.

2. We are charging $5 per team. Teams have a MAXIMUM of 2 riders. You can ride as a solo rider, or as a team. Either way, it's $5 (so a team is really $2.50/person). Tandems ARE allowed.

3. There will be a 2 hour time limit. This means that we're GIVING you 2 hours to ride your bike to some of the coolest locations around the city. Beek and I have PAINSTAKINGLY sought out new and exciting spots for people to ride to, and we're GUARANTEEING a good time.

4. The purse. Cash will be awarded to the winner, depending on who shows up, we may add prizes for 2nd, 3rd, etc. But CASH is guaranteed for 1st place.

5. The course is designed SPECIFICALLY so that ANYONE can win. You can ride your bike 5mph for 2 hours and still win, I promise. Again, we've designed the course specifically in this way.

6. You will be provided with a map and a manifest (ie textual and graphical). Neither will be specific, but both will serve plenty fine to get you where you need to go.

7. Smart phones, moving maps, GPS, or any other software based navigation is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. As of right now, paper maps (store bought or made) are allowed.

8. Helmets ARE MANDATORY. This event is a UNDCC event, and safety is our top priority. We suggest bringing some lights if you've got them, if not, no worries... a small flashlight may be useful. Locks are probably not necessary, but some locations it might be easier to lock up (depending on your style).

9. The Alleycat will officially end at 8:40pm EXACTLY. Sunset is forecast for roughly 8:20pm. As I said, if you have lights, they might help. If not, please stop by the Ski & Bike Shop and ask those blokes to sort you out.

10. Every rider is expected to and MUST obey ALL traffic laws. Always. No exceptions.

As always, we reserve the right to change, modify or otherwise make more awesomer any details as necessary.

If people have further questions, please post up and I'll answer what I can.

Please see a post below for an explanation of what an alleycat is.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 06:01:45 PM by Plantains »
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Re: Bike Poker Alleycat Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2010, 11:06:31 AM »
are teams going to be able to split up and hit different checkpoints or will they have to stay together?

Toaster... teams are allowed to split up at their own discretion. Beek and I however feel that this will be a significant disadvantage due to the complexity that it would add for your team.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 06:04:41 PM by Plantains »
Just try and step to UND Cycling if you wanna test your luck.

Offline Sal Atticum

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Re: Bike Poker Alleycat Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2010, 11:18:04 AM »
are teams going to be able to split up and hit different checkpoints or will they have to stay together?

Wouldn't you like to know? :P

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Re: Bike Poker Alleycat Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2010, 11:32:23 AM »
uh...yeah, that's why I asked.
Just try and step to UND Cycling if you wanna test your luck.

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Re: Bike Poker Alleycat Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2010, 11:48:23 AM »
Solo or two-person team, $5 either way.

Get your thinking caps on.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 04:47:43 PM by Sal Atticum »

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 08:36:15 AM »
apparently that's it for details?
Just try and step to UND Cycling if you wanna test your luck.

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 09:27:35 AM »
What other details were you looking for?
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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010!
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2010, 09:53:10 AM »
The ones that were "pending".

Do you guys have a flier yet? hook me up with some if you do and I'll hang them.
Just try and step to UND Cycling if you wanna test your luck.

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2010, 05:56:40 PM »
For those who are unclear or unsure of what exactly an Alleycat "race" is.

Briefly, it is a bicycle scavenger hunt.

More elaborately, it was traditionally an undergroud type of event within the bicycle messenger community. Sort of a race for messengers. Groups would meet at a predetermined location and be presented with a manifest (or list) of places in which they needed to visit. At each location something was required of them, traditionally a signature or getting something significant from that place. They would then return and whomever had the most complete manifest within the given amount of time won the contest.

With the recent over glamorization of this bicycle messenger lifestyle, cycling clubs began hosting events like this with a more fun and casual atmosphere. Instead of merely going to a checkpoint, you'd typically have to do something ridiculous, like paint your face, or climb a tree, or go dizzybatting after chugging a root beer (I'm trying not to give away any of our neat ideas). Once the task was completed, you'd have the supervisor sign your manifest and you'd be onto the next waypoint. Again, whomever had the most complete manifest would be the winner.

As stated, this will be the second (unofficially) that UNDCC has hosted. Our first one was met with rave reviews from our participants and they've been literally begging us to do another. So here we are. Beek and I are again at the helm for this event, and we assure you that you will not be disappointed. The event is designed specifically so that anyone can win, even if you're the most beginner cyclist on two wheels. If you're an old timer though and you think you've seen it all, we've thought of you too. We think that you'll find the course to be pretty fun, because... well... let's face it, why would Beek and I want to design a boring course (we have to ride it three times you know!)?

Anyways... we hope to see you out there. As always, questions, comments or concerns... just post up or private message me if you're feeling shy.
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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2010, 06:13:47 PM »
If anyone happens to have a few of their favorite memories (or pics) from the last 'cat, feel free to post them here to entice some people to come who may be on the fence.
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Offline Sal Atticum

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2010, 06:36:28 PM »
We had a LOT of interest today in this event from ladies and gents who did not have bicycles of their own.  If you are looking for some sort of ride for this event and don't have any close friends who will let you borrow their things (because, let's face it, you always trash their stuff), you need to post up here ASAP.  Seriously, like as soon as you exhaust your other options.

Problematically, while many of us have multiple bicycles, very few of us have multiple helmets, so you're on your own for that.  Helmets are not that expensive in the long run, whether they are your basic shell-with-vents or the more BMX/skateboarding multiple-impact type, and having one comes in handy all the time (well, more than you would think).

Anyone who has a spare bike or two can also post up an offering if you feel comfortable doing this with people you don't know so well.  Maybe you guys could be on a team together?

I have a few older road bikes with smaller frames that would be perfectly appropriate for this event, and someone can borrow my mountain bike if they want (not the one I had at the expo today, that's someone else's).  You'll still need a helmet though.

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2010, 11:32:29 PM »
I have a helmet that I can lend out if anybody needs one.
Just try and step to UND Cycling if you wanna test your luck.

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2010, 10:28:47 AM »
I will be unable to make it. Sorry guys but work decided to have mandatory Friday.

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2010, 10:30:37 AM »
I will be unable to make it. Sorry guys but work decided to have mandatory Friday.

That sucks.  Most places have casual Friday.  Mandatory Friday sounds like they want to rub it in.

We will miss you.

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2010, 11:02:55 PM »
Guys I just wanted to throw out a HUGE Thank you from UNDCC for making this event a success. As per usual after events, I try and talk with everyone and ultimately end up having like half conversations with people because I'm trying to catch everyone. So apologies if I just wandered off in the middle of a convo (Karin and Chase come to mind). It sounds like the event was really fun for everyone who participated... if we run poker again, we'll figure out a way to add more cards.

If people have other things to say about it or pictures from the event, PLEASE post them up or let us know!

I also want to thank the Ski and Bike Shop, Toed's, and NHRG for having participants in the Alleycat as they're some of our biggest sponsors.

Congratulations to Chilean Luv (or Nic) for winning That's TWO Alleycats in a ROW that he's taken the purse!

Lastly... if anyone feels up for it they are more than welcome to go back to ANY waypoint and snatch up any traces of what we left there... if you do this, feel free to post here which ones you've stopped at so that I don't roll all over town trying to take them down and not "have to". Beek is gone this weekend... so I'll be rolling solo and the help is welcomed.

Thanks Again!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2010, 11:28:48 PM »
In case people wanted to see what they missed... here's an image of the manifest.

For those who couldn't make the Alleycat, here's a copy of the manifest. There were also clues at each waypoint that then led you to 2 cards (from a standard deck of playing cards) You were allowed to take one but you were only allowed to h...ave 5 cards at the finish. The goal was to finish with the best possible hand of cards within the 2 hour allotted time limit.

Winner Nic (again): Full House (high card)
2nd Place Pat: Full House (low card)
3rd Place Andrew and Ted (team): Flush

Alaska Unicyclist: if you ban me, i'll set your complex on fire.... just a heads up

Offline Sal Atticum

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Re: Jokers WILD Alleycat! Friday 8/27/2010! 1st post UPDATED!
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2010, 01:15:02 PM »
Photos!  More at my Flickr set; more to come when I get the rest from DC.

IMG_6980 by MatthewBK, on Flickr
Winner Nic!

IMG_6986 by MatthewBK, on Flickr
Dave's hands were shaking too much to get a good shot the first time!

IMG_6989 by MatthewBK, on Flickr
3rd place team Toaster and Ted!

IMG_6993 by MatthewBK, on Flickr
All-female team Lauren and Mandy!

IMG_7000 by MatthewBK, on Flickr
Joe and Dave tracked down the queen of hearts!


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