According to the Herald, it's going to be a new fundraising campaign. So for what are they fundraising?
I can think of a few things:
- The endowment (mentioned in the article above). Although important, this doesn't seem like the kind of thing they would get all secretive about.
- The Sioux nickname. Not related to fundraising, but I also don't think this is what it is, since people would probably riot.
The new sports complex. I think this is a prime candidate for a campaign to raise capital funds.
- The other parking garage. I doubt this would receive so much attention, but I can imagine some funds will get siphoned off for this purpose.
What does everyone else think? I've been absolutely horrible about keeping up with the 'social networking' 'websites' lately, so maybe someone has a definitive answer. Whatever it is, they're probably getting their money's worth out of the advertising buzz.
In other news, a student organization could win $10,000 at the event. See for details.
EDIT: Fine, I looked at
that other message board. They all have big hopes and dreams about a new sports complex. Believe me, it would be nice (I ran track in undergrad at a fantastic facility), but I hope that whatever the next big donation is at UND, it's more rounded off toward academics. That's why we're here, right?