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Sale of NAU's Rapid City campus still in negotiations
« on: January 12, 2011, 05:37:01 PM »
Sale of NAU's Rapid City campus still in negotiations
Kayla Gahagan, Journal staff | Posted: Monday, January 10, 2011 10:00 pm

A plan to sell one of the largest pieces of downtown Rapid City real estate is still in the works as National American University officials continue to negotiate with a potential buyer.

University officials announced in November that NAU was selling its downtown property and planning to build a new facility in Rapid City this year.

Officials have been mum about who might purchase the property or where the new building would be located. Officials with the county, city, Rapid City Area Schools and South Dakota School of Mines & Technology all have said they are not in negotiations with the university to purchase the property.

Read more at the Rapid City Journal website

Fast Facts

* NAU was founded in 1941 and originally called the National School of Business
* The current downtown building space is about 68,000 square feet. The new facility will be about half that and will be built on leased land.
* About 70 percent of NAU’s enrollment is non-traditional students.


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