Author Topic: The cycling thingies at the top of the page are messed up?  (Read 9286 times)

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The cycling thingies at the top of the page are messed up?
« on: November 10, 2010, 03:47:00 PM »
Beek and crew.

Those things you put up for Ted are screwed up. They're showing up randomly and sometimes it's just the brackets. Also, when there are new posts, they don't indicate on the top of the page, you still need to scroll down to "UND Cycling" to see if there's a bold or new flag.

I don't use them, but just a heads up.

Mozilla, win 7 64.
Alaska Unicyclist: if you ban me, i'll set your complex on fire.... just a heads up

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Re: The cycling thingies at the top of the page are messed up?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 03:58:49 PM »
Beek and crew.

Those things you put up for Ted are screwed up. They're showing up randomly and sometimes it's just the brackets. Also, when there are new posts, they don't indicate on the top of the page, you still need to scroll down to "UND Cycling" to see if there's a bold or new flag.

I don't use them, but just a heads up.

Mozilla, win 7 64.


Thanks for the headup.  We think the issue is related to upgrading to the newest message board software.  We will see what we can do to fix this ASAP.


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