Thanks for the suggestions. ndbison.com is still really new and we are trying to get the word out. The problem has been that the website etc. was not done early enough in the year. People only really started hearing about it sometime in April. We are going to be working with Student Government, the Spectrum etc. on getting the word out.
Next Fall is going to be sweet, we are adding a lot of stuff to ndbison.com and making improvements all around. Take a look at or sitemap at
www.ndbison.com/sitemap.html, it lists nearly all the things we have right now (more and more will be added). We will be expanding greatly in many regions that will bring people to the forums, I am hoping for 1000 members by late Fall, if all of our plans fall into place.

Let us know if you have any suggestions about getting more people here, because we can make this site really sweet; its all about what the students want.
Thanks for posting and let us know what you want!