Author Topic: SSC's BACK, ALRIGHT!  (Read 7295 times)

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Offline SSC President

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« on: August 28, 2008, 12:30:36 PM »
hey hey all you wonderful SSC people!

i seriously thought it was going to snow last night...

this is our new message board!! it's alittle easier to use than facebook, and plus it gives you an excuse to go to a different website besides facebook!

ok well if you saw us at the student involvement expo, you know that we are going to steamboat, colorado this year.
the cost of the trip is $495. plus transportation.

We are trying to find the cheapest ride to colorado, we don't have a big selection of bus companies up here and mike and I really don't want to drive all your drunk asses up the mountains again.

if you have a group of people with a reliable car, then I'd say drive yourselves, you could be paying less than $100 per person to get out there. and if you are like, "Ross, I have a car, but it is tiny and I have no ski rack, nor to I want to purchase a ski rack." then I would say, "bro, we can take your skis and gear there if you'd like."

anyway. we've got LOTS to talk about for this upcoming season, the first meeting of the semester is set for wednesday, september 10th, location is TBD. 


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