Author Topic: scholarship  (Read 3488 times)

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Offline Admiral Ackbar

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« on: November 25, 2008, 02:20:18 PM »
hey i just got this email and figured people might be interested.

            North Dakota Space Grant Fellowship Program

                    To identify, recruit and retain students in
                     mathematics, science, engineering;
                   To encourage women and underrepresented
                    students to enter these fields of study; and
                      To increase NASA activities and
                       awareness in North Dakota


Applicants must be citizens of the United States who are, or will be, enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a tribal or public two or four year institution of higher education in North Dakota. The degree program should be in the areas of science, technology, mathematics or engineering.

Description of Undergraduate Fellowships:

Undergraduate fellowships, each worth $2,800, will be awarded Fall Semester 2008 and Spring Semester 2009. An undergraduate student may receive fellowships for two semesters for a total not to exceed $5,600. Primary selection criteria are 1) academic excellence (a minimum grade point of 3.00 is required) and 2) relevance of the student’s research and interests to mathematics, technology, science and engineering. Recipients will be required to conduct a science research project under the supervision of a faculty mentor and submit a 10-15 page paper on that research at the end of the semester. The research must be aligned with the research interests of NASA.

Description of Graduate Fellowships:

Graduate fellowships at the masters level, each worth a quarter time GRA appointment (approximately $3,500), will be awarded Fall Semester 2008 and Spring Semester 2009. Fellowships for Ph.D. students worth approximately $5,000 will be awarded Fall Semester 2008 and Spring Semester 2009.  A graduate student may receive fellowships for no more than two semesters.  Primary selection criteria are 1) academic excellence (a minimum grade point of 3.00 is required) and 2) relevance of the student’s discipline and interests to mathematics, science, technology and engineering. Recipients will be required to conduct a science research project under the supervision of a faculty mentor and submit a 10-15 page paper on that research at the end of the semester. The research must be strongly aligned with the research interests of NASA.

Application Procedure:

Applicants should submit the following by September 15, 2008 for Fall Semester 2008 fellowships and December 31, 2008 for the Spring Semester 2009 fellowships: a completed application form; current college transcripts; a letter of recommendation from the faculty mentor; and a 300 word essay describing the potential research topic for this fellowship and how it is aligned with the research interests of NASA.  For addition information contact Suezette Rene Bieri at [email protected] or 1-701-777-4856 or 1-800-828-4274.

Fall Semester 2008__________
Spring Semester 2009__________

                                       North Dakota Space Grant Fellowship Program
                                       Application Form

                                             Applicants must be citizens of the United States.


Current address:___________________________________________________________

Hometown address:________________________________________________________

E-mail:________________________                 Phone:____________________

Student I.D. number:___________________________

Hometown newspaper:____________________________________________

Undergraduate GPA:________________         Graduate GPA:_____________

Major:_____________________                      Minor:____________________

Undergraduate_______          Masters_______           Ph.D._______

North Dakota institution where you are pursuing this degree:


Title of research topic:____________________________________________________________

Name/Department/Phone of Advisor____________________________________________________

The following questions are optional included for government reporting purposes only.

Date of birth: ______________________

Gender:        O Male           O Female

Ethnic Background
      O Black         O Native American
      O Hispanic         O Pacific Islander
      O Asian         O Caucasian

Disabled:     O Yes            O No

Please send this application along with college transcripts, letter(s) of recommendation from a faculty member and a 300 word essay describing your plans for a mathematics, technology science or engineering research project. Send by September 15, 2008 for Fall Semester 2008 fellowships and by December 31, 2008 for Spring Semester 2009 fellowships to:
         Suezette Rene Bieri, Deputy Director
         Department of Space Studies
         Box 9008
         University of North Dakota
         Grand Forks, ND  58202-9008
IT'S A TRAP!!!!1!

Offline pmp6nl

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Re: scholarship
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 02:31:25 PM »
It looks like this scholarship applies to several schools


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