Author Topic: Quitting bottled water  (Read 9947 times)

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Quitting bottled water
« on: September 04, 2011, 08:43:08 AM »
I think this is a great idea.  It boils down to the end of the article: you have to think about where things are coming from.  Once you lose track of that, you can't make responsible decisions.

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Re: Quitting bottled water
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 11:24:13 AM »
I also agree with you that it's a great idea, but I think it does depend a lot on location. When I lived in Devils Lake and went to school at the college, there was no way I was drinking the tap water because the water in my own apartment made my clothes rust-colored and the water was nasty, so I'd buy gallon jugs of spring water at the grocery store and  bring a water bottle with me to school.

Since living in Fargo, I've been drinking tap water, which I find much more appealing and I think NDSU could have a similar ban on tap water if they would provide more areas with water fountains or spigots to fill refillable water bottles. However, there would have to be exceptions to the rule. For instance, in cases of flooding and extra sulfur is added to the water, then there could be exceptions to sell bottled water.

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Re: Quitting bottled water
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 09:37:29 PM »
Great article.  I personally avoid bottle water wherever possible.  I do it both because of the cost and the environmental impact.  I have become rather fond of my stainless steel water bottle.  I am not sure about the ban from vending machines.. I would like to see my data if it actually promotes filling your own water bottle or if it just causes people to buy more pop.  gh mentioned an important point that water is pretty nasty in a lot of places and sometimes it can be very hard to choke down the water, especially if you are not use to it.  As someone that drinks a ton of water I will notice subtle differences, and some water I just cannot drink without filtering.

I do like the idea of getting colleges and universities away from buying it for their own events and what not.  I think an important midway step would be to recommend using your own bottle and refilling it, as well as making sure there are ample recycling opportunities.


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