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Lol, and now Port's blog is owned by Forum Communications, which owns every other media outlet in North Dakota. Way to stick it to the powers that be, Rob...
Ron SchalowMarch 23 at 11:17am · So, this is how it's going to be...(These comments are directed at the people who decided it would be a good idea to hire an uneducated smear blogger as a columnist, not the skilled employees of Forum Communications. I realize it would have been hard to find a qualified & talented writer in the Valley, since you can't throw a Port without hitting someone with a friggen Masters Degree, and there is a school of journalism RIGHT HERE!)Step 1: A normally innocuous letter-to-the-editor is printed in Forum Communications Company owned Grand Forks Herald.But; the writer is one of those educated uppity women, an educator, a #UND professor...some of Rob Port's most hated things.Step 2: Port, a #Forum Communications employee goes into smear mode with a blog post. He makes up a misleading headline, uses a deceptive photo, and spins the rest.Of course, the Algonquin Round table of vultures, that guard Port's comment section from sanity, go from nuts to venomous in 1.2 seconds. #Port knows his audience.Step 3: Forum Communications owned InForum promotes Port's manufactured story, pushing more people to the blogger's cesspool.O'boy, an anonymous comment section! Let's join the mob and stone the hoity–toity book-lernt feminazi!Step 4: The Herald get's a zillion more page views.They are making their own weather, and it's acid rain.Sayanythingblog is now on the Forum Communications server, so they own this hazardous waste.And, why is Port the only columnist (cough) allowed a comment section, anonymous, no less?#I've written two LTE's in the last six weeks and flat out called Port a liar, but curiously, he hasn't pushed back on those. He would rather pick on an English teacher.
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