Author Topic: *Check Here To See If Your Organization Has A Group Membership Board*  (Read 28438 times)

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Offline pmp6nl

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Below is a list of the organizations that have a Group Membership Board on Campus Dakota, the contact person is also listed. Please contact them if you want to be able to view/post within their board.  Please contact pmp6nl or [email protected] if you do not see your organization below and you want to be added, if you would like to have your organization's website hosted on Campus Dakota, or if you have any questions.

Organization -- Contact Person

Linux Users Group --  JakeJZG
NDSU Graduate Student Association -- [email protected]
NDSU Rowing -- NDSU Rowing President
Sigma Alpha Lambda -- SALpresident
Torch Radio --  Sal Atticum
UND Cross Country Ski Club -- Aris
UND Cycling -- Guardrail
UND Ski and Snowboard Club -- aleethx
UND Climbing  -- sweatynready  
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 01:18:12 AM by pmp6nl »


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