Posted by: Plantains
« on: September 19, 2009, 02:10:33 PM »
Going on the concept that people are trending towards a less face to face society when dealing with daily things, but when dealing with phone calls they "want to talk to a real person".
With the success of such games as WOW I imagine the scenario (in fact I know it exists per my kids at camp) where an exchange such as...
2 kids out playing say this sucks... lets play WOW and they go to their respective houses and "play" online.
Redbox is an automated rental system. Blockbuster has people. At $1 per day redbox is likely more expensive than a blockbuster film and yet its more popular?
You could even make it a biz decision because there are 2 block B's within 8 seconds of each other here in gfk and neither are slated to close?