While Google+ seems interesting I think this guy is a bit off his rocker. Google+ will not dethrone Facebook in the near feature, if ever. All of the great features that Google+ offers will probably be offered by Facebook in the future, they will not standby and let Google+ surpass them. Millions use Facebook, why would the average user switch over, especially after they have put so much time and effort into Facebook -- unless there will be a way to port stuff over.
Its also important to remember that just because Google is running it does not mean it will be successful. They have had tons of failed projects, including social networks. I like the idea of integrating other Google services; however, being as I am a bit concerned about privacy I will be keeping an eye on all of the information Google holds. Which brings me to the next point in that I do not trust Facebook. I am putting less and less content on there and removing friends, information, content, and what not. I no longer upload photos to Facebook because they like to track people and use your content for their purposes. To an extent I work to keep my content in different places, not only because I like to find the best tools, but also because I do not like one or a few entities having all of my information.
I am very interested in Diaspora, but like you I do not have much time to explore it. Why can't their be more time in the day!