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Offline pmp6nl

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NDSU Legends
« on: November 27, 2006, 04:26:06 PM »
The following is a list of Legends NDSU.  This list was complied by NDSU Professor Tom Isern (

All information was found at

Note: none of the content has been modified.  All is in the original version.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 04:47:50 PM by pmp6nl »

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NDSU Legends - America Is a Weird and Scary Place
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 04:30:54 PM »
America is a Weird and Scary Place
A Page of Legends from NDSU
Complied By: Professor Tom Isern


Slasher in the Back Seat
One time there was this woman driving from Valley City to Fargo. She noticed that a big truck was following her. For some odd reason, the truck started to flash its lights at her. The truck did this for a couple miles. Finally the women pulled over and walked to the truck. She asked the man in the truck why he was flashing his lights at her. He said there was a man with a knife in her back seat. Every time the trucker flashed his lights, the killer would duck behind the seat.

This Slasher Really Gets Around

A lady was driving home from a business trip and pulled into a small gas station for gas when the attendant came out, looked at her, looked at her car, and asked her to pop her hood. He then told the lady he had to show her something that was wrong with her car. The lady got out of the car and the attendant grabbed her and drug her into the station while covering her mouth so she couldn't scream. Once inside, he told her that there was a man with a knife ducked down in the backseat. . . .

Guy with a Briefcase

Another lady was in the Twin-Cities shopping at the mall. She came to her car to find a man with a briefcase standing "guard." He explained that some kids had tried to steal the car and he missed his bus waiting for her to return so he could protect the car. He then proceeded to ask the lady for a ride, being he missed his bus waiting for her. She agreed to give him a ride to the bus station. As he sat in the back seat, she got scared (she doesn't know who this guy is sitting in her car) and asked the man to direct her out of the parking spot. She then drove away without him. When she got home, she found the man's briefcase. She opened it to find a name or a number to get a hold of someone but only found a black ski-mask, a rope, a pair hand-cuffs, and a loaded gun. . . .

So Sleep on Your Stomach

A woman was living with her two kids in a cabin in the woods. She was waiting for her lover/husband to return for quite some time. She snapped all of a sudden and killed both of her children in a rage of confusion. When she realized what she had done, she ran into the woods and was never found again until some campers camped in the area near her cabin. The campers were sleeping on the ground outside when they were found diced by an ax. The story goes that the lady went nuts and runs everywhere in the woods looking for her kids. When she sees someone lying on thier back, she stands over the person and stairs at their closed eyes until the person wakes up. She then proceeds in killing the person unless she finds the person has her kids, eyes. So whenever you go camping, make sure not to sleep on your back. . . .

My Brain Is Leaking Out

There was a guy who went grocery shopping. As he walked from his car to the store, he saw a woman sitting in her car with her head on the steering wheel. He didn't think much of it, and since it was an especially hot summer afternoon, he hurried into the air-conditioned store. As he was leaving the store he saw that the woman had not moved since he had seen her last. He went over to the car and knocked on the window. The woman didn't move. Fearing that the woman was hurt or dead, he opened the door.

"Call an ambulance," moaned the woman. "I've been shot in the back of the head and my brain is leaking out."

He quickly ran back into the store and dialed 911, telling them the situation. He then returned to the car and looked at the woman. Looking around, all he saw was bread dough. He asked her how she had been shot.

"I don't know. I put my groceries in the back seat, and as I was getting ready to start the car I heard the shot and felt the bullet. I reached back and felt my brains leaking out."

When the police arrived, they discovered that a can of refrigerated bread dough had expanded explosively when placed in the sweltering car. The flying dough and can top had struck the woman in the back of the head. When she reached back to check things out, the dough felt to her like brains.

Look Under the Car!

There was a lady shopping late night at a Target or a Wal-Mart up in the twin cities. When she was done putting everything she bought in the trunk, she went to open her car door. A man under her car slits her ankles tendon and then he rapes her since she is unable to run. But the legend is that it has happened more than once with similar settings.

Gang Execution

There was a man or a woman driving along in the twin cities area late at night. He/She sees a car driving with their lights off, so to be polite he/she flashes them to tell them their lights are off. Suddenly the other car turns around and follows the man/woman until the car gets them to pull over. When they finally do, the other car is full of gang members who get out and execute the man/woman.

Every person I have heard this story from swears it is from somewhere near them. Whether it be the Twin Cities, Bismarck, Sioux Falls, or the East Coast, all of them believed it.

(Reply) The reason there were so many claims was because it was a nation-wide BLOOD initiation.

The Unfortunate Scuba Diver

I believe it was this year during Spring (96). The forest fires in Arizona or somewhere out west were burning intensely. Forest fire crews were doing all they could to maintain the spread of the flames, but it just wasn't working. So, they started calling upon planes to dump water and gases onto the fire to reduce its effect. Meanwhile a man on vacation (or something) was scuba diving in a nearby lake. Not knowing of the treacherous fire or what was about to occur, he kept scuba diving and having a good time. The planes kept making their trips to the lake to dilute the fire.

Probably about a week later after the fire had been put out or moved on, a couple of forest firemen were walking through the burnt debris and found a man burnt to death. What they couldn't understand was that the man was wearing scuba gear: a mask, a tank, flippers and a suit.

The plane had apparently swooped down (or helicopter) and picked him up along with a few thousand gallons of water and dropped a few hundred feet onto a back draft of pine smelling flames.

The story is true.

The Pork Chop Bone

I heard a story of a really fat lady that went to see a doctor, because her butt was really sore. She also felt what she thought was a lump. Upon close examination the doctor gave the lady a local anesthetic and grabbed his scalpel. He made a cut and to everyone's surprise, he pulled out a 4-inch pork chop bone. The only explanation the lady could give was that she must have sat on the bone and didn't notice right away. The bone must have grown into her body. Has anyone heard this story?

P.S. If anyone is mad about the fat part of this story I'm sorry!

Aids Mary

A man met an attractive woman at a bar (or restaurant). They have an enlightening evening and they decide to check into a hotel. I hope I don't have to tell you what happened. The next morning he wakes up and finds her gone. She leaves him a note that says, "Welcome to the World of Aids." She is known as Aids Mary, and although many claim to know the brothers, cousins, best friend of one of the victims, there are no official accounts. I originally heard it on Paul Harvey.

Mexican Sewer Rat

A couple went to Tj on vacation. When roaming the tourist bureaus they come across a mangy little dog. The woman takes pity on the dog and decides to smuggle it across the border. When they get home they set the dog to bed. The next morning they find the dog seething and near death. They take it to the vet and ask for a diagnosis. He asks the lady where she got the dog. She lies and says she got it in San Francisco. The doctor replies that there was no way in hell that she got the dog in SF and that the dog is in fact a long-haired Mexican sewer rat.

Huge Japanese Rat

A friend told me that he and his family went out to California to visit his aunt and uncle; they told them this.

They were out walking on the beach one evening when they saw this little dog come up out of the water (a little smaller than a terrier), they thought it was lost. Anyway, they went up to the dog and it was very friendly to them and they didn't find any tags, so they decided to take it home. The next day when they came home from work, as they walked into their apartment, they saw a trail of blood. They followed the trail to their bedroom closet and saw the new dog they had just found eating on the carcass of their two- or three-year-old German shepherd.

They took this new dog to the vet in fear of rabies; they found out something totally different. The newly found dog wasn't a dog after all. It was a huge Japanese RAT that had stowed away on a cargo ship!

The Toothbrush Story

A couple is vacationing in Jamaica for their honeymoon. When they return to their hotel after an afternoon of nature, they find that all their possessions have been stolen. The only things that the thieves leave are the camera and their toothbrushes. They resolve to make the best of it, and last out their vacation. When they return home they develop their film, and to their much to their horror they find the thieves mooning the camera with their toothbrushes sticking out of their rectums.

Don't Forget the Coffee!

A friend of a guy going to Tufts University in New York was one of the lucky passengers on board a Northwest Airlines flight to Boston during our recent hurricane "Bob." The captain did his best to skirt the edge of the storm, but it was a pretty rough ride just the same--rough enough that the flight attendants were ordered to strap themselves into their seats for about half an hour, and many of the passengers were putting the little plastic-lined bags in their seat pockets to good use.

When the turbulence finally abated, the flight attendants unbuckled themselves, and the captain's voice came on over the intercom. "Well, folks, that was quite some ride, wasn't it? But we came through it fine, just the way we always do, and I'm happy to report that it looks like the remainder of our trip should be much calmer. On behalf of myself and today's flight crew, I'd like to thank you very much for your calmness and cooperation, and extend our best wishes for a pleasant stay in Boston."

(After a short pause and several clicks) ""Cripes sakes, that was one helluva ride! Man, I'll tell ya, I sure could use a cup of coffee and a [explicit reference] right about now."

As a stricken stewardess dashed up the aisle to the cabin to inform the captain that his intercom was still on, one of the passengers called after her, "Don't forget the coffee!"

Satanic Ritual House

There is a story in my hometown about a young family and a baby who moved into this mysterious house. This house used to be a secret meeting place for a few young men and women to get together late at night and practice satanic rituals. In one room in the house the worshipers had painted a huge upside-down cross on a wall and the rest of the room they left empty. These people didn't own the house, they just kept breaking into it and practicing their religion.

The young couple, who had little money, bought this house and moved into it. They cleaned it up and painted over the cross, and that room became the room for the baby. The only problem is the cross mysteriously kept reappearing and they would paint over it again and it would keep reappearing, it only reappeared faintly but a person could walk in and still see it.

The worshipers didn't like their house being occupied, but they still would keep returning at nights to the place. Late at night they would break in and, just to let the couple know they had visitors, they would move one piece of furniture. They would move a lamp or turn a chair around and even take out kitchen appliances. The couple would complain to the police and the police would patrol the area heavily at night, and they never could catch the people breaking into or leaving the house.

The police told them since they couldn't stop them, the couple could officially shoot the intruders at will if they wanted to. So the next night the couple took out their shotgun and laid it by their bed so they could have it ready if they needed it. The next morning they woke up and found the gun was gone. They ran to the baby's room and found the shotgun neatly placed on the floor parallel to the baby's crib. That was the last night they slept in the house.

Big Red (as told at Camp Wilderness, Minnesota)

About a hundred and fifty years ago, when this part of Minnesota was pretty unsettled, there lived an Indian named Big Red. He was called Big Red by white men, mostly, because he was a big, big man. Easily over six feet tall, and powerfully built. He lived by trapping and hunting, and for that reason didn't spend much time in any one place. He had about ten cabins scattered around Central Minnesota, and every spring he would pick up and move to the next cabin on his rotation. He could then spend the summer fixing it up and preparing for the winter.

One of these cabins was right over on the other side of the lake, you can still find the foundation if you know where to look. If you do find it, though, you will find that the wood and stone are scorched and blackened.

Big Red died in that cabin, you see. He was trapped inside during a fire. No one noticed that he was missing for quite a while, and when some of his friends finally did come to look for him, then couldn't find the body, and Big Red was never buried.

That would be the end of the story, except that about sixty years ago, three surveyers were out mapping the area. They stopped to camp near the lake, and during the night one of them went for a walk. He never came back to camp. The next day, his friends searched for him, and when they found him he was horribly dead. It looked as if he had been mauled by a bear, but the only tracks were a huge set of glowing footprints, each print filled with ash.

Fifty years ago the camp had just started, and Scouts were wandering all over the place. Two leaders decided to check out a new hiking trail, and hiked over to the old forest fire lookout tower. They stayed the night at the top of the tower. During the night, one of the men went down to go to the bathroom. The next day his body was found, ripped apart and surrounded by huge, glowing, ash-filled footprints.

Things were pretty quiet for twenty years or so, and then in 1967, three Scouts went out slashing tent lines while everyone else was at campfire. All three were found, mauled to death, and surrounded by ash-filled footprints.

It has been quiet since then. But each of these incidents happened on the ten year cycle that Big Red kept. No one knows why or how all this happens, but we do know that all of the people were either alone or doing something that was against the Scouting spirit.

Stories from Chicago

Mine come from suburban Chicago. All of these "stories" happened near where I lived in the mid 80's. For those of you who want to get your map out, the area is roughly located at I-55 and Rt 83, at about Willowbrook,IL.

1) There was a restaurant that dated back over 100 yrs. The building served as other things other than a restaurant during it's life, but at the time of this story and in the mid 80's it was indeed a restaurant. So the story goes that the owner of the restaurant about 100 yrs ago lived in the upstairs of the restaurant with his wife. Story goes that his wife was murdered in their living space, the murder was not solved... and now patrons of the restaurant can see the wife calling for help from the upstairs window. I was not fortunate enough to see the wife calling from the window even though I drove by the building everyday for over a year.

Ok #2. To the south east of the location I gave you is a road known as the German Church Road. This story goes that in the late 1950's two sisters were out on a double date and were killed in a car accident. Now at night people have reported an old Chevy "driving" along the German Church Road with no driver. Again, I drove near and on this road to work many times, didn't see any old cars though.

#3. This one has been on Unsolved Mysteries or some such show. This one takes place during WWII. Near Archer Road and Rt 83 was a ballroom, a popular one, I am told. Well the story goes something like this. A soldier was at the ballroom when home on leave and met a woman, they danced and he offered to drive her home, she accepted. They were driving along Archer Road when she told the soldier to stop. ( a little back ground, the area of Archer Road that runs between the Tri state and Rt 83 is mostly a cemetary, a BIG one.) so the girl gets out of the car, the soldier looks behind him and the girl is gone. The appearance of this ghost has been documented many times, I guess, enough to be on TV. The personal part; One night I had a meeting to the east of where I lived, the shortest way home that night was to take the Archer Road, I didn't know that it was mostly cemetary on both sides of the road. It took me a while, since it was dark, to figure out what was on either side of the road. I prayed my car would not break down. Thankfully, my car didn't break down and I didn't see anyone on the side of the road. I am very glad that I found out about the ghost of Archer Road after we left IL.

#4 comes from my husband. The last place we lived in IL was near a forest preserve. He told me of seeing white deer, he teased me that they were ghostly deer or a herd or albino deer.

And just to finish up with, in case you don't believe that the "mob" rubs people out and buries them in strange places. A "mobster" lived on the edge of the same forest preserve mentioned above, shortly before we moved from Il, the authorities were digging up bodies from the "mobsters" back yard and the forest preserve. It is a scary world.

Peace Pipe

A few years ago I played hockey with a guy who told me a convincing ghost story and swore by the facts. His Dad, Richard, collects all kinds of artifacts, specifically old western relics. One day he purchased an authentic indian peace pipe and brought it home. When he got it home he put it a display case and for the first few days nothing happened. One night however, he heard someone walking up and down the stairs outside of his room. He didn't think much of it and just checked to see if it was one of his boys walking around. When he opened the door he looked out, and standing at the top of the stairs looking at him was an old indian. Richard watched the indian go down the stairs and to the display case where the peace pipe was. Richard followed him and as he turned the corner around the hall, the indian disappeared. The next few nights the rest of the family saw the indian walking through the house. Needless to say, Richard sold the pipe to someone else and after he did that, they never saw the old indian again.

Creepy Convertible

This isn't really a legend but it was kindy creepy. I work at a body shop part time putting together wrecked cars that we buy all over the country. Two summers ago four of us went down to texas and bought a few cars to fix. One of them was a little red geo convertable. After we bought it we found that there was no keys so after we loaded it up on the car trailer we stopped by the previous owner's home to try to get the keys. As it turns out the car belonged to the daughter of the lady whom we spoke with and she had snapped her neck in the car accident. This kinda creeped us out a bit but when we got the car back to Fargo we decided to fix it anyway. After getting it done, we put a battery in it and the horn starting honking. Not like a constant rythm, more like whenever it felt like it. So we naturally assumed that the horn switch was just messed up so we disconnected the horn under the hood and left for the night. I got a call from the police that evening of noise complaints at our shop and as it turned out, the horn was honking on the car still. We never figured out why, nor how that worked. That was almost two years ago and the car is still sitting in a shed with no battery because we're afraid to fix it anymore.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 04:45:45 PM by pmp6nl »

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NDSU Legends - Going to College Is Scary, Too
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 04:34:47 PM »
Going to College Is Scary, Too
A Page of Legends from NDSU
Complied By: Professor Tom Isern


The Ghost of Ceres Hall

Was listening to the radio and heard the story behind Ceres. Ceres used to be a girls' dorm and a girl that was having a lot of trouble with her grades hung herself on the third floor. Her ghost was loud and active, always running up and down the halls of the third floor, making noises and slamming doors. Finally, a candle was lit in her old room to ease the spirit, and it worked. If there was a candle lit, her spirit would quiet down. To this day a light can be seen always lit on the third floor. Or so the legend goes. That's what a guy said on Light Rock 105.

Too Long

A few years ago, down at a college in Wisconsin, a few college kids decided to have a few drinks and clebrate the end of midterms. After turning a few into a few too many the group of kids decided that it might be fun to go bungee jumping. They quickly went and got the appropriate rope and then proceeded to the top of the largest building on campus. The first one to go got ready and jumped. Unfortunatelly the rope turned out to be about three feet too long. Moral of the story, have the sober one measure the rope for you.

Kidneys on the Black Market

This one is an actual true story that has happened to many. A young woman was at the bar having a drink. There she met a young man who invited her to a party in a hotel room a few blocks away. The next morning she woke up in the hotel bathtub full of bloody ice with a note saying call 911 immediately. The cops showed up and told her that she's been a victim of the kidney knidapping. Well, apparently there is this group of people that drug college students at a party and steal one of their kidneys to sell on the black market. Kind of scary, so beware if your invited to a party where you don't know anyone.

Don't Turn on the Light. . .

This is a story that I heard from a friend who goes to Moorhead. He said it might have taken place in central Minnesota somewhere or in the Southern U.S. Wherever, it doesn't matter.

There were 4 girls studying in the library one evening. They were getting pretty tired and decided to go back to their dorm rooms and go to bed. Three of the girls lived in this one dorm and the other girl lived in a different dorm.

They decided to walk the girl home who lived in the other dorm first, so she didn't have to walk back alone. When they got to her room, she walked in first and her friends followed.

One of her friends was going to turn on the light, but the girl who lived there said, "No, don't turn on the light, I don't want to wake up my roommate."

The girl who lived there said goodbye to her friends and quietly slipped into bed. The next morning she woke up to find her roommate was murdered, and written in blood on the mirror in the bathroom it said, "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?"

Sorry if this gives anybody nightmares.

The Third Floor Window

I'm not in Mr. Isern's History class (my boyfriend is), but I have been reading a lot of interesting stories from everyone. I figured that I would tell one. This is supposedly true, but I wouldn't be surprised if any of you have heard it in a little bit different version. My cousin swore that it was true however. He heard it from his baseball coach. Anyways. . .

There once were two guys trying to get into a fraternity. The guys who were already members told them that they had to do one thing before they could pledge (kind of an induction thing). The members took them out to an old abandoned, supposedly haunted, hotel one dark night. They were then instructed to one by one go shine a flashlight in the basement window, the first floor window, the second floor window, and last the third floor window. The first guy proceeded to do so. They saw a light in the basement, first floor, second floor, but on the third floor there was no light. Everyone thought he was playing a joke so the next guy went in. They saw a light in the basement, the first floor, second floor, but no light on the third floor. The members figured they were playing a joke, but they were getting ticked, so they decided to go in after them. They made their way up to the third floor and found the room where the guys had supposedly gone to. The one guy was found huddled in the corner shivering. His hair had turned completely white! The other guy was never found. The police searched everywhere and they even used dogs in the hotel and in the woods around it. By the way the guy with the white hair never spoke again and to this day is in a nut house. Weird huh?

Black Cats

Has any ever heard the legend of the "Black Cats" at NDSU? Here goes:

During the early part of this century, the architecture students were housed in the South Engineering building (now a water fountain). The building people locked up the place after 5pm every day. It was also closed on the weekends. The students were expected to get their work done, during the building hours, which as any architecture student will tell you, is absolutely impossible. Quite quickly a group of architecture students organized into what has been known as "The Black Cats." Here is what they would do: Knowing a project had to be worked on at night, they would somehow, without anyone seeing them, unlock one of the upper-level windows to the building. At night when everyone went home, they would enter the building and get their work done. At first Campus Security would see a light on and try to apprehend the people inside, but they would always slip away, into the night, just like "Black Cats." Every attempt to catch the students ended up with the same thing, "They just seemed to dissappear into thin air," wrote one official. After many years of ceaseless hounding by the officials, they finally gave in and quite paying attention to the lights. The result of those deeds of the "Black Cats" is that now all architectural studios are usually placed in 24 hour buildings. If there is a studio that is not in a 24 hour building, one will still see the lights on, in the wee hours of the morning, because there are still a few "Black Cats" prowling.

This story was related to me by Ron Ramsey (architectural historian and faculity member of the Architecture/Landscape Architecture Department here at NDSU), in 1988.

No Face

My freshmen year I was told a ghost story about a building over at MSU.

The building is an office/classroom building. I don't remember the name but I know where it is. It started on a Friday when the construction crew that was erecting the building was leaving the site for the weekend. One of the last crewmen to be leaving had tripped and fallen face-first on a pile of bricks from 2 or 3 stories up and died. Since the man had no family and no one had seen him fall, his body wasn't discovered until Monday when the crew came back to work. It had been a really hot weekend and the body had already started to decay.

The building was eventually finished.

One of my friends used to do campus security for MSU. (MSU uses older students to do most of their campus security). Numerous other student security have turned in their resignation. All claiming to have seen the ghost of the construction worker.

One instance was on a routine patrol of campus. A door was slightly ajar. The student asked if there was anyone in the building. He got no answer. He called another student security to come for backup. They both went inside. All the lights were out. They started hearing footsteps and quickly tried to determine where the steps were coming from. The footsteps quit as the students came around a corner, but a door to a classroom was slowly closing. The security guys flung open the door. There stood a man with his back to them not moving at all. The students asked the man to come with them to them to the campus security station. The man quickly turned around and moved toward them. The man had no face.

The next morning the 2 students resigned from campus security.

(Reply) I think the building you were mentioning in your story is Weld Hall at MSU. Thanks for the story!!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 04:46:11 PM by pmp6nl »

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NDSU Legends - You Can Choose Your Friends, but Your Family. . .
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 04:37:58 PM »
You Can Choose Your Friends, but Your Family. . .
A Page of Legends from NDSU
Complied By: Professor Tom Isern


A Good Investment in Life Insurance

My story is more of a ghost story than a legend. My aunt was married to a man about 20 years ago. One night she woke up and found that he was awake and very troubled. He said the ghost of his dead mother was standing at the end of their bed and told him that he would be joining her soon. She also told him to take care of his family. They didn't have much money, but after that he bought some life insurance. 3 months later he died in a car accident. My aunt strongly believes it is true, and her certainty causes me to believe it, too.

Death Leap

This story is 100% true, but it's nonetheless legendary.

My dad and brother Todd were vaccinating cattle a few years ago when they noticed a neighbor's cow in amongst our herd. They decided to put it in a stall in our barn until they'd finished vaccinating. All went well until they saw the supposedly penned-up cow staring down at them through the hay door on the second level. Apparently it had climbed up the steps!

Todd went to get the cow, but to no avail. As soon as it heard Todd coming up the steps, it attempted to leap from the door. Its back legs got caught, but it somehow maneuvered its way out, falling head first onto the well beneath the door. As Dad ran to see if the cow was okay, it got up and hustled away as if nothing had happened.

(Where's America's Funniest Home Videos when you need them?)

Cool Whip

Three years ago I went to Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's house. We had the usual meal of turkey and mashed potatoes. Finally it came time for dessert. My grandma had prepared three kinds of pie. I chose chocolate. This would be one of the grandest mistakes of my life. She then asked who would like whip cream. With the thought of whipped cream on top of my glorious chocolate pie I was happier then Michael Jackson at a day care center.

My grandmother returned from the fridge holding a massive tub of cool whip. Upon opening the cool whip, the top is covered with mold. I swear the whole top was green. I was thinking fine, I'll enjoy my pie as is. But then my Grandma grabs the spoon sitting next to me and stirs up the cool whip so the mold is no longer visible. I sit in shock as she whips the biggest dollop of cool whip I had ever seen in my life onto my plate. This is more cool whip on that pie than Heidi Fleiss and Charlie Sheen have ever used COMBINED!

Anyway she threw the cool whip on a couple of other people's pies, too, and all of us were too shy (or stupid) to say something. Then my father tells me I better eat it as to not disappoint my grandmother. So I ate the moldy cool-whip laden pie. I was proud of my intestinal fortitude of keeping it down. My brother and mother did not fare so well.

Author's note: My grandma still has the same tub of cool whip in her fridge and a bottle of BBQ sauce that expired before I was born.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 04:46:26 PM by pmp6nl »

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NDSU Legends - Back Home They Used to Tell About. . .
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 04:43:41 PM »
Back Home They Used to Tell About. . .
A Page of Legends from NDSU
Complied By: Professor Tom Isern


Haunted Rest Area

I have a legend for you. I can honestly say that this is the truth. A friend of mine and I were out at a rest area located right outside of our town of Sykeston, ND. Just to be stupid we went into the women's bathroom and did our thing. While we were in there, I could hear little girls' voices. They were laughing and talking. Right away I didn't know what to do so I hurried up and ran outside as to not look too obvious. When I stepped outside I saw no girls laughing and talking. I did see, however, my friend walking around the corner of the building. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "Looking for those girls. Didn't you hear them?" I didn't know he had heard what I did, and up to that point I had blamed not seeing them on my imagination. By that time, we were plenty spooked and from then on considered that restroom haunted. We did, however, visit it again to see if we would hear it again, but needless to say, we didn't hear a thing. There, that's my legend, and it's all the truth.

Kindred Lights

Okay--so I don't know the whole story. but here goes. There is an old farmstead a few miles north of Kindred, N. Dak, and Horace, N. Dak. If one should travel to the site at the right time of night, they will find something strange. The old abandoned barn, again at the right time, is glowing with lights on the inside. Now, I have friends who claim to have seen the Kindred Lights. They claimed that when they drove the car up the driveway and took the foot off the gas, the car proceeded to drive by itself toward the GLOWING barn!

Gold in the Grave

The last man to be hung in Bottineau County was buried outside the Catholic cemetary--buried OUTSIDE because he was "unworthy" of actually having a proper burial. Buried with him was the rope he was hung by, the knife used to cut him loose, the sherrif's badge who arrested him and lots and lots of money this guy had been saving up. They buried him with this money because it was looked upon as evil money that was worthless to the community or something like that. So . . . ever since people found out about it they've been digging outside this cemetary--nothing has been found--rumor is the Catholic church moved him inside the cemetery so that robbers couldn't steal from him.

The Treasure of Bluff Creek

Back where I am from there is this little tiny river known as Bluff Creek that goes just by the town of Bluffton. Supposedly some robbers were fleeing through the area after a recent heist. Upon realizing they could not escape with the amount of gold they carried on horseback, they buried it in Bluff Creek. The robbers were killed during their flight and their buried gold is supposedly still buried in Bluff Creek. The creek, from where it starts from a swamp or something to where it ends at the Leaf, is only about 10 miles long and somewhere in it is supposed to be a lot of money.

The Carlton High School Ghost

In my small high school back in Carlton we have an old ghost tale, it's about a depressed band teacher who hanged himself above our performance stage a long time ago and sometimes you can hear him walking around in the room and moaning. Well, one night after we had gotten done with play practice me and a couple of buddies had a good idea. Go home and get a Owedji board and to up to the room with a couple of girls we know. Well, before we did that we sent up another guy to hide, and when we "summon the spirits" he is going to jump out. So about 10:30 we go up to the dark room above the stage where the teacher hanged himself and we sat down and started on the board. When he jumped out the girls ran screaming to their cars. The girls didn't talk to us for a week.

Satan's Barn

In Hallock, MN, where I'm from, there is a story of a place called Satan's Barn. It is on a dirt road that winds into a small woods. There is a rope hanging from the ceiling up in the hayloft. Supposedly some man who was possessed by the devil hung himself there. Some people say on certain nights you can see his ghost in the barn. I don't think the story is true, but all the kids from that area have at one time or another visited the place at night to see if it tale is true.

Pick City Pump Station

Here's a legend that's not so legendary. As far as I know, its only a few years old (2 or so) and known by only about a half dozen people. Apparently, out around Pick City, near Morning Star Campground, there is an old abandoned water pumping station. I had never heard of a pumping station before so I had to be told about what they were. From what I gather, they are more or less large community wells. The building on the site is quite small (20' by 20' or less) but they extend outward and downward once underground. There are stairs going down, and passages that lead outward in various directions. The bottom level is basically where the water table starts and the water is brought to the surface for us to use. According to my friends, if you're on the lowest level, there is an underground man-made "lake" that spans in either direction so far that the ends cannot be seen. Well, here is the "legend" of the Pick City Pump Station. My friends have made several trips to this station and have described it to me. When you enter the first level, there are lockers that held the tools etc. of the workers that worked there. It looks like they left in quite a rush because most of the lockers still contain various things like gloves, tools, etc. After breaking a lock or two and going into the lower levels, my friends were met with quite a surprise. It looked like the station had once been used as a haunted house. There were homemade coffins laying around, dummies hanging from the ceiling, and makeshift body-bags on the floor. things like this were spread throughout the levels of the station. There is also graffiti on the walls and above doors stating things such as "Hell Awaits" and other satanic messages. This is obviously a creepy place considering its underground and even at mid-day, its pitch dark inside. But its easy to believe that the different things I described are just remnants of a teenage haunted house. However, on my friends last visit to the station, a police officer saw them before they were about to enter. He stopped them and said that he wouldn't go in there if he were them. He said that it was rumored that there was a cult that practiced rituals in the station and that lately they were finding dead animals inside. He also mentioned that the cult may be connected to a double teenage suicide/homicide in the area and that the investigation into that case was being re-opened. Is any of this true? I don't know, but I intend to find out. We are planning a little expedition this spring to go and see what this station is all about. If any of you know anything, drop me a line. I would be interested in hearing what you have to say.

Glowing Graves

There is a story in my hometown of Wheaton, MN about "The Glowing Graves," which is a cemetery between Wheaton and Browns Valley called Lakeview Cemetery that overlooks Lake Traverse. The story is that there are two big headstones in the corner of the cemetery that glow on certain nights. And there's another story about some sort of devil worshipping cult that hangs around there once in a while. A couple of my friends and I made three or four trips up there during high school but we didn't see any cults or glowing graves. But there are others who claim to have seen both the cults and glowing graves. So I'm sure some weekend when my friends and I are bored we'll be taking another trip to the "Glowing Graves," but I won't believe it until I see it.

The Kathryn Bridge

well this tale you might not believe because actually only about 20 people know about this. There is a railroad bridge near kathryn, nd, and on certain nights you can see a ghost like girl standing up there. People have asked the older adults if there was anyone killed up there or jumped off the bridge and died and they said not that they know of. this is one tale. there are a couple more but i will tell them later

Vergus Trails

Perfect time of year for these kind of stories huh? Well there is a little story that is local to my area "Detroit Lakes" There is set of snomowbile trails called "vergus trails" just south of Vergus MN well half ways down the trails is a small semetary and an old abandoned farm. I guess the whole family in the farm were killed or something and they are buried in the semetary... well it is usually a good "Friday night road trip" location. I guess there are many stories about it. One being that there is a windmill at the farm that seems to spin at 90 miles per hour even when there isn't wind....and alot of other weird things...also in a small town called battle lake MN there is an old abandoned pig farm. And on this pig farm there was an old couple that were taking care of there grand kids...well the story goes like this, The kids went down to the barn to see the pigs and fell in and got trampled and died. Well to this day on breezy days you can hear the pigs squilling and in the background you can hear the kids crying and screaming.....kinda freaking I think

Palmer House

In my home town of Sauk Centre Minnesota there is a hotel called the Palmer House. Supposably this place is haunted. One of the rooms is called the red room, or at least it was before the owners renovated the building. On Halloween the upstairs was always opened up for kids to go up and see this room. The walls are supose to drip blood because someone was murdered in there. At least that's what the kids my age were told. I don't know any real facts about the place, but it was lots of fun on Halloween growing up.

Lover's Lane

I am from Fordville, ND, and I live near Pisek. There is a road near Pisek called Lover's Lane. There are trees all along both sides of the road, and they go over the road so it looks like you are going through a cave. I can't remember the whole story, but if you go there at night, lock your doors, and shut the car off, a little boy comes and knocks on your door. There is something about a couple of people hanging themselves there, too, but I can't remember what that was all about. I know there are some other people in this class that are from towns near there, so maybe they know more about it.

Grim Reaper

I am from Fredonia, ND, and went to school in Ashley. I live on a farm by this old farm church known as the Berlin Baptist Church. For many years it has been thought to have a resident known as the Grim Reaper. I know you have all probably heard of him or her, but legend has it that he lives in this area. It has gone on to say that if you see him, death will soon follow. One Halloween a man was driving home and claims the Reaper jumped out from behind a hay bale in front of his car. . . . He claims he saw and he lives. I don't really know if I believe in the legend of my own community since for the first 18 years of my life I lived a mere mile from the church and on the federal aid road number nine. I drove the road for many years, late at night, and I guess you all know. . . I'm still alive.

(Follow-up) I have also heard of the Grim Reaper that "lives" on federal aid road #9. My ex-boyfried Ryan lives about 10 miles away from the road, and supposedly on a night that there is a full moon he is out running about. There are some grain bins along a road in the area, and Ryan has said that he or someone he knew has seen the Grim Reaper run across the road and between these grain bins. He was wearing black and carrying an object supposedly. The person that has seen this is still alive.

Also one night Ryan was at home watching TV, and his dog started barking. When he looked at the dog, it was staring into the kitchen and couldn't be quieted.

I don't know how true these are, but I have heard of them just the same.

(Follow-up) All right everyone, here is my story. Some of you might remember me saying I'm from Fredonia in my intro. If you read the legends, you probably read about someone from Fredonia who wrote about the Grim Reaper. I have heard the story about the Grim Reaper haunting the church and stuff, but I've never heard the story about him jumping out at cars. The story I know goes a lot more like this, and it is a true story. Back in the 1970s there was a couple who got married in the Berlin Baptist Church, and had the reception in Fredonia which is like 10 miles north of the church on the county road. A guy who lived in by Ashely was on his way home from the reception. There is a really big lake by the church and the highway tails around it for over a mile with sharp turns. He was about a half mile past the church when he rolled his car by the last turn and was killed. The legend has it that at night you can see him walking in a white robe along the stretch of highway that goes around the lake. People have claimed to have seen him walking, but I've never seen it. I know the story is true because my aunt grew up on a farm across the big lake and she has gone to that church her whole life. Her family went to the wedding and that night after she got home she seen car lights that were not moving on the other side of the lake. She figured it was a parked car along the highway. She didn't know what it really was until the next morning when someone found the guy. She still drives that road frequently, but has never seen his ghost walking. It's kinda wierd because all these things really did happen and she can prove it, except for the part about his ghost walking along. If I find any more out about who has supposedly seen the ghost I'll let you guys know.

Legend of Sica Hollow

I am from Lake City SD. It is a small town with a population of about fifty. There is a place about ten miles from there called Sica Hollow. It is a state park with a stream and a bunch of trees and trails for walking and hiking. There is also an Indian Burial Ground on top of one of the hills. Legend has it that if you stay out there during the night, you hear voices and chanting and may even see an Indian Spirit. I haven't heard of anyone brave enough to stay all night. I think this summer me and some friends are going to pitch a tent on top of the hill and see what we can find out. Would anyone like to join? We could bring a video camera and call it the Sica Hollow Project.

Skinner Hill

My friend was telling me about this "legend" in Sawyer, ND. There is this hill called Skinner Hill, and when my friend was younger she asked her mother why it was called this name. Her mom told her that 2 people were buried at the bottom, Old Man Skinner and his wife. Her mother took her to the hill and showed her the gravesites. No one can read the names on the tombstones. They apparently died in a car accident at the bottom and from that day on the hill was named after them. On the day after Halloween, the heavy gravestones are found to be tipped over and no one knows how that could happen.

Witch House in Beardsley

I'm from Beardsley, MN, which is a dinky town in the middle of nowhere. Anyways--a legend from my hometown was that there was this house that an old witch haunted. Some of my friends and I went in there once about 10 years ago, and there were really wierd drawings on the walls, except one, the west wall in what we assumed was the dining room once upon a time. There were newspapers all over the floor. The west wall with no drawings on it had dried baby food on it. Anyways--the legend was that the old witch lived there when the town first got started, then she kept bringing men into her home and seducing them to have children. The men made it home safely, but died shortly thereafter. Anyways--the house burned down right after I graduated--they decided that the house was just an eyesore--it was right on highway 28 that went thru town. I went to see Blair Witch Project this summer, and the house in my hometown was exactly the same as the one in the movie. I don't know if they were just designed the same or what, but that was the only part of the movie that freaked me out.

Rolling Uphill in Hutchinson

I am from Hutchinson, MN, which is about an hour straight west of the Twin Cities. Well, there was a haunted hill that was maybe about 15 minutes out of town that everyone used to talk about. Apparently the site of this hill was a great Indian Massacre. You would drive the base of the hill, put your car in neutral and turn off the ignition. Then your car would roll up the hill. The legend stated that it was the ghosts of the Indians that were pushing you.

The Lunatic's Spoons

Every year I go camping on Lake Bel Tain, Camper's Paradise, on Goat Island in Nevis, Minnesota. When I was twelve, my uncle told my cousin and I a story about an escaped lunatic. He was known for roaming the Heartland Trail, which is a famous pedestrian path that goes through Nevis, and the tiny town of Dorset (population zero), which is actually a tourist town on the path. Well, one summer a women was walking on the path at night and the guy jumped out of the woods, and gouged her eyes out with two spoons he stole from a resturant. . . . My cousin and I were walking from the privies back to our site late one night. We only had one flashlight and it kept cutting out. We were a few sites away from ours and we heard some rustling in the bushes. We shined the light on the bushes and saw two eyes, then the light cut out and we saw a spoon in the middle of the road reflecting the moonlight. . . . We found out the next morning that it was my uncle hiding in the bushes trying to scare us. . . . To date I never walk that path without a pair of chopsticks to counter the lunatic's spoons.

An Electrical Problem on the Vargas Trails

I am from near Detroit Lakes MN, which is about 45 minutes east of here on US Highway 10. Near Detroit Lakes is a cluster of minimum maintenance roads called The Vergas Trails. Stories about the trails have been told of witches and runaway trains for years. I never really got into all the hype until my junior year in high school. I was cruising DL with my friend and his girl friend on a summer night. Because of our extreme boredom, they decided to take me to The Vergas Trails. So off we went. I hadn't noticed a thing until they directed me to the old cemetery that lies on a small hill. I was feeling 10 feet tall and bullet proof so I suggested we stroll to the cemetery gate. When we got about 10 feet up the hill, my car's headlights cut out. I tried every thing to get them to work but to no avail. We decided to start driving (with all the doors locked in complete darkness in a maze of minimum maintenace rds). About 15 minutes later my headlights came back on & I never had a problem with them again. --TRUE STORY

The Fatal Stump

I am from Belfield ND. There is a legend about an old tree stump in the Lutheran cemetary which is up the road from my house called the devil's chair. In the early 80s people would party out in the cemetery. One night 3 guys all sat in this tree stump. Within a month they all died strange deaths. All were in their early twenties. One died in a car accident, one had a heart attack, and the other died in a skiing accident. If you look at the tree stump it looks like a chair or a wicked throne. So they say if you sit in the chair you will pretty die very soon. None of my friends or myself have ever sat in the thing.
Gas Chamber in Hatton
I have a legend to tell about the Hatton area. Back in the woods along the Goose River there is an old abandoned house and family cemetary. The family's last name is Oss. There are many legends about this family. One is that they had a gas chamber in their basement and they used it to kill people. Another is that the kids killed their parents by pushing them out an upstairs window. The best one is that the kids robbed a bank a long time ago and buried the money in the family cemetery so that they wouldn't get caught. There is an old car down by the house that the kids supposedly stole. Then they bought a bunch of monkeys from a circus and put them in the car. Finally they took dinner forks and stabbed all of the monkeys to death.

I know for sure that the gas chamber legend is false because I have been in the house since I only live about 5 miles from it.

(Reply) I'm from Northwood which is about 15 miles away from Hatton so I also know the legend about the Oss Farm. I have heard some other additions to that one. Rumor has it that when the mother died, they put her in her rocking chair and continued to feed her for like the next 3 days. Also when the father and the grandparents died, they buried them in the pig pen...even though they have a cemetary out there. I've also been out to the farm before and it's REALLY weird on the inside. There are tons of magazines, letters, and old books on the floor. In quite a few of the rooms you can't even see the floor. Just thought I'd add that about the farm.

Making a Splash in Minot

Minot High School is one school but with two buildings. Magic City houses grades 11 and 12 and Central houses 9 and 10. Central was built around 1910 and housed all four grades until the 1970s. Apparently Central once had a swimming pool underneath the risers that form the theatre or what everyone calls "the pit." It is a real dark and seldom-used area of the school. The reason that the pool no longer exists is this: Sometime, probably in the late 1950s, a group of intoxicated seniors, practicing the ritual "freshman friday" tied a small freshman scapegoat to a chair and threw him in the pool. Since the pool was so secluded and seldom used even then, no one could hear him screaming, and it would be about three days before he was found by a janitor. Before I entered high school, I was told that kids who would be walking around the pit area (alone) would tell of hearing screams and splashing, even though there is no swimming pool there today. . . .

(Reply) I'd just like to add that the one about Minot High School and the secret pool/drowned guy sounds really familiar. At my high school in Pipestone MN there was supposed to have been a pool underneath the stage in the auditorium at some point in the school's history, and there was some vague drowning story involved there, too, though not as developed as the Minot one. Just thought it was odd that the pools had been in the same place in both schools, hmmmm. . . .

Legends of Pipestone

Also there's legends concerning Pach's cemetery near Pipestone (I think the spelling's right on that). It's an old abandoned one where supposedly an unusually large amount of children are buried (haven't been out there myself so I'm not sure). But anyway, if you were cool in high school, you'd go out there at night and various weird things were supposed to happen, like the ground getting warm around some of the graves, children's voices, etc.

Ooh ooh, another one, although I'm not sure if this really qualifies. . . there has never been a tornado (or at least an on-the-ground one) in the Pipestone area, supposedly because the area is sacred ground protected by Native American spirits or something of that sort.

Vikings in North Dakota

While I was attending NDSU Bottineau, I heard of this myth that the Vikings had actually been in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota back when Lake Souris was there. It's been told that there has been 3 sites found where the ships where tied up (something about some rock that were used). This would put white explorers here way before our history books tell. Also it was said that some farmer found a Viking sword while plowing in his field.
Something Odd in Absaraka
I am writing because I am wondering if a story I have qualifies as a good story. OK, here we go. . .

A few friends and I heard a rumor about something odd in the town of Absaraka, ND. We had also heard that it was featured on the "Unsolved Mysteries" television show. We had heard that strange things were going on in the old abandoned Methodist Church.

So, ten of us went to the site, not too far away from where we live. We walked up to the church to find many lights around it, and a big NO TRESSPASSING sign on the side of the church. We also noticed that many of the windows were boarded up. But one window was only half boarded up. It was pretty high up, so we went all the way to the road to look into the window. At first we saw something that was a reflection from the street lamp that was glowing above us. Then we focused inside the dark void, and to our astonishment, we saw a gigantic glowing cross! We knew that it was inside, because we could not see all of it, and it moved in the window when we would move from side to side, as if it was inside the church. People that have made it inside in the daylight tell us there is nothing inside the church except for dust and cobwebs. After that, it's hard to go back because townspeople dislike people snooping around and drive us away.

(I have proof on videotape, if you would like to see.)

Return to Absaraka

I just read the legends page and the one about Absaraka struck a chord with me. I grew up about 5 miles from Absaraka and played little league baseball there. I have heard about this phenomenon before and I have seen it also. It's only unexplained in the rumors, the people who live around there know what causes it. There is a street light near the church at just the right angle to reflect thru the windows (the windows were made to do this with a cross design in the glass). You can no longer see this "phenomenon," though, the windows were boarded up long ago and the church may be torn down now (I'm not sure). Sorry for taking away the mystery of this story.

Absaraka Again?

There is a town about 45 minutes from Fargo called Absaraka. There is an abandoned church there that has supposedly been on Unsolved Mysteries. The story behind the church is that if you look through the windows there is a glowing cross that hovers in the middle of the church. There are windows on all four sides of the church, and no matter what window you look through the cross is alway facing you. A few years ago and lady and her boyfriend killed themselves. The story was linked to the glowing cross, they were supposedly worshipping it. The church windows are now boarded up and the locals chase people out of town who loiter around the church. Has anyone ever heard this story before? I've heard that there is a cross hanging from the ceilling and it glows only when there is a full moon because the moon light shines through the steeple. I guess the cross is made of green stained glass, but wouldn't Unsolved Mysteries be able to figure this out if it is true?

(Reply) I grew up in Casselton, which isn't too far from Absaraka. We drove out there many times to see the cross, but never did. And last time I was out there the windows weren't boarded up at all. And I never heard the story of the lady and her boyfriend killing themselves. Some people I went to high school with swear they could see the cross though.

(Reply) I went out there three times this summer. The windows were boarded up everytime time I was there. A friend of mine tried to pull them off once, but he couldn't. I never saw the cross either. The lady I was referring to that killed herself did this about two or three years ago. She and her boyfriend were from Lisbon. It was on the news and in the papers. Funny you didn't hear about.

(Follow-up) I found out I was wrong about the girlfriend and boyfriend both killing themselves. The boyfriend killed himself, but the girlfriend didn't. They did it in the Fort Ransom area, which isn't too far from Lisbon. I think the girl is in the Jamestown hosipital know.

(Follow-up) It happened about two or three years ago. The two people were kind of insane. I guess their "religion" had told them to do it, or something like that.

(Reply) In response to the legend of the churgh with the glowing green cross. I have been there and seen it. It is not on only the full moon that the cross glows, it is on every night even if there isn't a moon. I have also been in the church, and as soon as you go into the church the cross stops glowing. By the way the glowing cross is not located in the middle of the church, it is closer to the picture of Jesus Christ. (Still More) Along with other tripped out stories here is another one about the "haunted church of Absaraka". Absaraka is about 45 miles west of Fargo along the interstate. You have to exit off and go along all these little country roads to find it but its there. One night in high school me and some of my friends fed off a special on unsolved mysteries on tv. They talked about this little white church in Absaraka that is apparently haunted. They said that in the middle of the church there was a glowing cross, and no matter which way you look at it, it always faces you. So we took off from Fargo and went out to Absaraka pretty late at night. Once we got off the interstate we started following the signs towards Absaraka. We had been going for what seemed along time and couldn't find it. Suddenly we came upon a railroad crossing, and we could see the head-light of a train coming so we stopped. We waited for a while but a train never came so the fear began. We finally made it out to the church, and it looked as haunting as it had been portrayed. There were four of us and we were all too freaked out to go up there, but we finally got out and investigated the church. We got back into Fargo and stopped as the excitement rushed over all of us. Someone looked at the back of the jimmy we went in, and saw dozens of handprints all over the back.....
The Ghost of the Aberdeen Arena
I have a ghost story from my high school. In our arena we have catwalks above the gym floor were janitors and stuff walk up there and make sure everything is ok. Anyways, in the 1960s during one of the "Pop, Popcorn, and Pops" choir concerts a janitor was up on the catwalks throwing balloons down on the audience. Well, he fell off and died. Now people say that his ghost still lives in the arena. He has his own chair. It is something like Section 0, row C, seat 13 or something. If you are wondering, the high school is Aberdeen Central High in Aberdeen, South Dakota.

(Reply) Hey! I've heard the story of the ghostly janitor from Aberdeen Central. I graduated from Aberdeen Roncalli in 1995. I just thought I'd let you know that I knew what you were talking about. Some of my friends even claimed they had seen the ghostly janitor while practicing before one of the big Aberdeen Roncalli versus Aberdeen Central basketball games. Thanks for the story!!! (Another Reply) I am from Aberdeen, SD, but I attended Roncalli, so I had never heard of the ghost of Central High School. I talked to some friends this weekend who went to Central and they all confirmed his presence. One of my friends was a janitor at the CHS and hated working alone in the arena.

Big Paddlefish

(Paraphrase, from notes of oral account in class) They had a crew of welders, scuba divers, working on the gates of the dam at Lake Sakakawea. But they saw these big paddlefish down there, and so they came out and refused to go back in again. Finally they had to bring a shark cage out so they could work down there.

I heard this from two different guys.
The Rugaroo (and His Friends)
Where I am from, there is a legend about the Rugaroo. It is supposedly this wolf-like creature that is only around during lent. According to the Indian heritage, if you are Catholic and don't follow the rules of lent this Rugaroo will hunt you down and kill you. Many people have had family visited supposedly.

There is an old convent in Belcourt that is now abandoned, and people have said that if you go in, no matter how careful you are about taking the same path, you always end up somewhere different. My sister is a really big chicken, and she and some of her friends went out there on night in the winter. She chose to stay in the car. The snow was really hard and crunched when you stepped on it, she claimed to have heard someone stepping on the snow, but no one was there. I don't know what happened out there to make it haunted, but it is really creepy even in the day.

There is also and old mental institution near Belcourt called San Haven. It has been closed for many years, but people who've been up there say you can still hear people crying and yelling.

In my area there are many haunted houses. One is in Sarles, ND. It was a doctor's house, anyway a family moved in and their young daughter got really sick. One night she was crying in her crib when her dad walked in and saw a man standing over her. The next morning she was fine.

There is another one in St. John, ND, that a friend of mine lived in. She was babysitting her little brother and sister and heard banging in the kitchen. When she walked in all the cupboards were open just a crack.

That's all that I can think of right now, but I know there are more.

The Moonies

OK so anyone who lives out by Jamestown ND knows about the cemetary along Highway 20, and the stories of the statue of the Virgin Mary in it. Some people say that on nights if you walk up to it, its eyes will glow. Other strange things have happened. Some have said that when they drive buy, her normally outreached arms and hands, would be down at her sides. And on Christmas Eve, actually it was Christmas morning then, I was driving home from midnight mass in Jamestown, and while I was driving up to the cemetary the lights that usually always shine on it at night, were off, when I got right across from it the lights turned on, then as I looked in the mirror, the lights were off.

Another is about the Moonies that live north of Pingree. The go out in the ditches along this road and when some one drives by they throw a cat out in the road to make people stop, and when they do they come out in sheets to scare the people. Well anyone from the country knows that nobody will brake for a cat, if anything they will speed up to hit it. So I had to drive down that road once and sure enough there was about 20 dead cats on the road. I think they finally moved out though cause there hasnt been anymore reports of the Moonies.

One of my own personal ones is about the house that has been in my family for a long time. Ever since the Manleys moved to Pingree they had the farm there. Well my dad grew up in that house, and we lived there for awhile, then moved out and no one lived there for a long time, but my uncle still farms the land so it was kinda kept up. Well I work for my uncle now, and I live in the house again since if I dont they are gonna tear it down. Well so it was summer, and there was a major lightning storm, and I kept hearing the cattle bellaring outside, so I figured there was something wrong. The next morning I went to check, but there was no cattle at the farm, they were all out at the pasture. The creepy thing is though, is that my great grandpa, who lived on the farm, died from being struck by lightning while trying to get the cattle in.

(Reply) I have also heard of the "Moonies." Living just north of Pingree in the small town of Carrington, ND, I spent a few interesting nights on a few back roads near Pingree in search of the "Moonies." Unfortunately my friends and I only came across a couple deer and other wild life but the legend still remains. It didn't stop us from dressing up in white sheets and scaring the hell out of half of our school on Oct. 31st.

(Another Reply) Actually we had heard stories of dead cats on the highways as well but we had nothing to do with that. We had heard so many stories about the "moonies" that we would dress up as them for Halloween. We had nothing to do with the dead cats.

Cherokee Park

I don't know how much this really deals with the Great Plains being as it took place in the mountains above my home in Colorado, but I think it envolved a tribe that dwelled a little in the plains, the Cherokee Indians. Now this part of the story is fact, theres books on it. Up in this place that is now named Cherokee park, a tribe of the Cherokee was living in the mountains for the summer. One night a rival tribe the Utes ambushed there camp at night and basically slaughtered the whole village, which added up was about 2500 indians, many were women and children. Now anything after this could be bullshit, but I don't know. You see my buddy owns some land up by this now historical place. We go camping up there every now and then. This park is like 30 miles from the nearest sign of civilization, you need four wheel drive in the summer to get into the park. Some of the locals who I think don't get out much swear that the ghosts of the Cherokee still haunt the place. People have told us that they've seen these ghost indians who are supposedly a grennish color. Now I don't know about any of that, but the old campsite which your not allowed into anymore still contains very visible, untouched skeletal remains (this is a fact). Where we camp is about 400 yds from the clearing where this massacre took place. Now weither the ghosts are real or not this is the eriest damn place I have ever been. Your scared just being there type place. I've never seen anything fishy, but I don't think I've slept a wink when we go up there.

The Haunted School of Pequot Lakes

Hi everyone! Since Halloween is fast approaching I decided to tell all you guys about the legend of a haunted school around my hometown.

My hometown is Pequot Lakes, Minnesota. The haunted school is probably about 15-20 minutes away. It has been closed for a very long time. It is to be said that the principal was so stressed that he hung himself in the auditorm late one dark and gloomy night. The next day there was an assembly for the entire school in the auditurm. No one knew where the principal was until they opened the curtains to start the assembly and there he was hanging. Several years later they tried to forget about what happened and kept the school opened, but too many strange, weird, and spooky things kept on happening so they were forced to close the school. Now, a bunch of kids from my school go to the haunted school to see what actully goes on in there. The stories I have heard are that there is a big blood spot under where the principal was hung. Also that you can hear foot steps walking on the auditurm floor even though there is no one there, and that you can actually feel spirits around you. One guy from my school went into the basement of this school, he said you could feel a spirit walking around you and he said that he could see a light at the end of the hallway. Everyone who has walked into that school claim they have never been so scared in they entire life. Most of the people run out of there screaming. Crazy, I can't dream of walking into that school, haunted or not. Who knows if it is actaully true or not. If you talk to they people who have been in there they would say they beleive in ghosts even if they didn't before. But that is the legend of my hometown.

Gordon the Janitor

In my hometown of Becker, MN our school has this legend of Gordon the janitor. He was apparently up on the catwalk one night changing a stage light in the auditorium, when the ciruit sparked, and he fell off of the catwalk and fell to his death. Some people still claim they see and hear things up there when it is really dark because he used to live in the school and slept up on the catwalk. It's pretty weird, but most of these types of stories are huh?

Dumb Story

I have another story about a haunted cemetary. Here's how the story goes. There's this cemetary near by my hometown. Of course like most cemetaries it is said to be haunted. I don't really believe it but I know some weird things have happened by the cemetary. There's all kinds of stories about how people's pets have died in that cemetary. I'm not sure if it's just kids killing people's pets and throwing them in there for a joke or what. There's more stories about some kids were playing in there one day and one of them fell in a hole and broke his leg. I think he was just clumsy. It's kind of a dumb story that I think some old guy made up one day but it's all I have.

Weird Stuff in Rugby

In my home town of Rugby, ND there is a house that is said to be haunted. Last Halloween we went out to the house and looked around. On the bathroom door, there is an outline of what looks like a ghost that ran into the door. An old lady still lives in the house. One time the local newspaper was going to do a story on the haunted house and then wierd stuff started happening. The old lady said the stuff has been happening for years, but when the paper wanted to do the story, the stuff started happening more. The ghost started opening and slamming doors, and turning on and off the lights. There is also a story that one Christmas the family was out there and all the kids were playing upstairs. The kids heard a rocking chair in the attick and went up there to check it out. When they got in the attick, the chair was still rocking but there was no one up there. The house is really cool, but it was kinda creepy being in there last Halloween.

The Lost Schoolmarm

Around my home town of Sauk Centre, MN we also have the popular glowing grave phemona. I have heard of this all through out my life, but I believe it to be just the way light strikes certain headstones in the graveyard. It is quite popular in my town and most people have some theories on it. I believe it to be nothing more than what each person is to make of it.

On a more personal note my family owns land where a ghost roams. In the 1920s or so there was a logging camp, complete with schoolhouse, on or near the property. The story goes that one night the young school teacher was cooking supper in the back of the school building and some people came to talk to her. All they found was pork chops in a frying pan. They assumed nothing because the chops were not burnt and thought she was answering natures call. When they came back later the chops were burnt and there still was no sign of the teacher.

The next day a search party was formed, but they never found a trace of her again. From there the rest gets fuzzy, but the story believes that she was either attacked by a bear or some loggers kipnapped her and eventually killed her. I figure it was loggers because if a bear was that hungry it would have ate the source of the scent that lured it to the area, being the chops in the pan.

As a kid I was reminded of this story just about every night that we grilled. Most people that spend enough time up there will admit to hearing some very strange noises in the night though...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 04:46:43 PM by pmp6nl »

Offline zman

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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2006, 04:08:32 PM »
Nice find, that is some really good stuff.  I am personally a huge fan of legends and such.

Every so often I hear other stuff about NDSU, it would be nice to get some of that other stuff in the list also.

On an aside, not that I am an English major or anything, but some people need to learn how to write.

Offline bisonguy

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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2006, 11:32:48 PM »
F-ing sweet.

I didnt know that there was so much lore in the area.  I may have to check some of them out :evil6:

Offline ajekt

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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2007, 05:58:49 PM »
Going to College Is Scary, Too
A Page of Legends from NDSU
Complied By: Professor Tom Isern


The Ghost of Ceres Hall

Was listening to the radio and heard the story behind Ceres. Ceres used to be a girls' dorm and a girl that was having a lot of trouble with her grades hung herself on the third floor. Her ghost was loud and active, always running up and down the halls of the third floor, making noises and slamming doors. Finally, a candle was lit in her old room to ease the spirit, and it worked. If there was a candle lit, her spirit would quiet down. To this day a light can be seen always lit on the third floor. Or so the legend goes. That's what a guy said on Light Rock 105.

I have noticed a light is always on, on the 3rd floor.  You can see it when walking from the Minard area at night.
N-D-S-U ... Goooooo Bison!


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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2007, 01:31:49 PM »
Now I'm spooked...

« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 05:14:07 PM by Sal Atticum »

Offline ajekt

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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2007, 01:04:43 PM »
Just got an email and there is some student organization that deals with stuff like this, the History and Traditions Council.  The listserv email said they are having a meeting Tuesday at 7 in FLC 319, I might have to check it out. 

On an interesting note, it looks as if their website is hosted on ndbison:
« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 01:05:16 PM by ajekt »
N-D-S-U ... Goooooo Bison!

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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2007, 11:53:14 PM »
Just got an email and there is some student organization that deals with stuff like this, the History and Traditions Council.  The listserv email said they are having a meeting Tuesday at 7 in FLC 319, I might have to check it out. 

On an interesting note, it looks as if their website is hosted on ndbison:

Yep, we proudly host them!

Offline ge_bjf007

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Re: NDSU Legends
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2007, 11:47:00 AM »
Nice sounding org.
Go Bison!


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